My name is Deb and yes, you’ve no doubt guessed it, I’m mad about Dogs!!
My love affair with these gorgeous creatures started nearly 15 years ago with the arrival into our home and our hearts of the most beautiful little black Lab puppy - Pepper! A few years later I knew I wanted more furry paws in my life so I started fostering Guide Dogs in Training which was incredibly rewarding. Now I am a long time foster for Smart Pups who train these amazing canines to support families with children with special needs - Autism, Epilepsy, Diabetes and Disability Assistance, and more recently specially trained dogs have also been placed with Veterans with PTSD. My most recent graduate was the beautiful Tayla, and currently gorgeous & super happy Smart Pup in Training Porter occupies our energies, our home, and most definitely our hearts
Being semi retired has afforded me the opportunity to dedicate a fair bit of my energies to these pups, but I have also thoroughly enjoyed taking time to develop my creative interests as well - Sewing, Mosaics, and creating Pebble and Sea Glass Art have helped me though the often tricky transition from running a hectic business here on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, to keeping occupied after we sold the company - Now I can combine my passion for pups with puppy inspired creativity - and one thing is for sure I will never run short of gorgeous models for my ranges!
I really hope you enjoy my store - And if you are looking for a very special doggy collar, bow tie, bandana, artwork or mosaic specifically for a special occasion please just drop me a message as I would love to help out
All the best Deb, Pepper 'n Smart Pup in Training Porter